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The best beach towels not only keep you dry, but also take your beach style to the next level. They elevate the perfect sand summer fit from good to “Who is over there?” No matter how fresh your camping shirt, swimming trunks and awning look, take an old bath towel to hang out in the park or roll it up on a beach day In fact, it will damage the overall effect.
But yes: the best beach towels are absorbent. They are big-at GQ, I firmly believe that there are not too big beach towels. In our opinion, when switching from the wet trunk of the parking lot, there is enough space for at least one other person’s butt, or completely covered (no need to create a scene). have enough space. The best towels are also quick-drying, allowing you to quickly shake off the sand after a long day of surfing. Yes, as I said before, they have no reason to be unsightly.
From craft Turkish towels to classic cabin stripes to designer terry cloth versions, there is a towel world that swells beach style to surf-breaking scale. Here are 24 of the best beach towels that will keep you dry and look refreshed throughout the summer.
All products listed on GQ are independently selected by the editors. However, if you purchase items from a retail link, you may incur ancillary costs.

Post time: Jun-08-2021